Thursday, December 1, 2011

It Is Never Right To Kill/It Is Sometimes Right To Kill

Is killing right or not? Nobody can be absolutely sure about that since all of us have different opinions on this matter. But in my opinion, I think it is never right to kill and I have several reasons for this.

Firstly, all living things were created by something or someone, whom most of us refer to as God, and we are able to reproduce and give birth to new life because of that someone. That is why we do not have the right to destroy, when we do not have the power to create.

Secondly, for example, if there was a murderer who killed this particular victim, his family and friends would most probably be furious at the culprit. Then when the authorities catch him, they would want him executed out of revenge. After that, the relatives of the murderer might get angry as well and it would become an endless cycle of killing and hatred. Furthermore, by killing the person who murdered one of their important family members, they are doing the same thing as the murderer did and so both sides will be at the wrong.

In addition, life is precious, no matter how small it is, and all living things only have one chance to live. If you kill someone, he/she will lose his/her potential and possibilities in the future. Once we die, it’s all gone. That is another reason why I think it is never right to kill.

Some people may argue that killing is sometimes right. Now look at this example. If one is being attacked by a murderer, he has the right to defend himself, but if he kills the attacker due to the fact that his own life was in danger, both are at the wrong. The attacker because he was the one who tried to murder the other person in the first place, and the “victim” because he had no choice but to kill the murderer to save his own life. We can sympathise with the “victim’s” decision but unfortunately he is at the wrong as well since in the end he still killed the attacker. As I said in the previous paragraph, life is precious, and thus even if someone didn’t mean for it to happen, it will still be considered a punishable crime.

In conclusion, I think killing is never the right thing to do and big fights such as Wars are even more pointless. People are sacrificed over mere pieces of land most of the time. I hope these kinds of aimless massacre won’t happen anymore in the near future and the world to be at peace.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and wide-ranging vocabulary.
    Your points are becoming well developed and thought out and your use of connectives helps present them in a really clear and logical way. This is mature and well written. Well done.

    Avoid using a comma and 'and' together - commas replace the 'and'. Take care with prepositions, e.g. 'both are at the wrong' should be 'both are in the wrong'. Try to strengthen and support your argument using evidence such as quotations from the poems or research.
